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3D HIFU Skin Tightening

HIFU treatment is used to tighten, lift and contour the face and body, and for most people, this results in no side effects, no downtime, and no scarring.

The treatment is sometimes compared to capturing sunlight and reflecting it through a magnifying glass to deliver a beam - it delivers ultrasound energy into a targetted region of the skin to stimulate and formulate collagen regeneration.


The precision delivery of a high density of power allows your clinician to target exactly where you'd like to improve and you will see immediate results.

High-Intensity Focussed Ultrasound


HIFU is a high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment designed to help reverse the signs of ageing, leaving you with a more youthful appearance. Unlike other skin tightening treatments on the market, the HIFU treatment is a completely non-invasive lifting and contouring device that provides a customised treatment procedure for the entire face, neck and body.

Watch How



Before & Afters

We are still looking for some models for this treatment, we need your consent to make that happen. If you would like to become our model for any of the treatments you find, then fill our form and we'll be in touch!

Just fill this form here

  • Am I a suitable candidate for this treatment?
    The short answer is MAYBE! When you under go consultation, we take you through a guided process that details to us the important information you need for each and every treatment you could take. Usually there is no predefined requirements we need or you need to have this treatment, but of course - we have to make sure it's good for you.
  • Treatment care before and after
    As this is a non-invasive procedure there is no downtime at all! You could even get this treatment on your lunch break from work and go back straight after. We do however recommend that you always use SPF 30 or more to protect your skin at all times.
  • Which areas can be treated?
    The Hydr02 Facial is specifically designed to target the face, neck, and jawline.
  • Is it safe and does it hurt?
    The hydr02 facial uses state of the art technology to ensure the safety of each individual getting treated. Some may experience redness after treatment however this is reduced when the cryo component of the facial is used at the end of each session.
  • What is the disclaimer for Hydr02Facial?
    PATIENT CONSENT: This is an informed consent form that has been prepared to help inform you of the potential benefits and risks of HydrO2facial. It is important that you read this information carefully and discuss fully with your practitioner before proceeding with treatment. It is also important that you take as much time as you need to consider the treatment carefully, weighing up all your options before reaching an informed decision. It is essential that you are aware of your right to have a second opinion and you are encouraged to ask any questions that come to mind throughout the entirety of the process. HydrO2Facial is a type of non-invasive water-assisted microdermabrasion (hydradermabrasion) procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously. The treatment results in clearer, rejuvenated skin with little-to-no downtime. The treatment is soothing, moisturising, non-invasive and generally non-irritating. HydrO2facial can improve the appearance of dull complexion, fine lines, uneven skin tone and texture, age spots, sun damage, enlarged pores, mild scars and mild acne scars, hyperpigmentation areas and other skin complaints. It is important to note that HydrO2facial does not work for more significant scarring, stretch marks or deep lines and wrinkles. HydrO2facial uses a small hand-held device that uses a mixture of water and chemical exfoliation (glycolic/ salicylic acids) to gently remove the outer layers of the skin and exfoliate dead cells and vacuum them away. The skin can then rejuvenate leading to an improved appearance, tone and texture. HydrO2facial should be painless and anaesthetic creams are not required. I have received a thorough explanation of my pre-exfoliation and post-exfoliation instructions. I understand that following these instructions will reduce the risk of possible problems and help optimise results. I am aware that results vary between clients and results are dependent on many individual factors. I am aware that there is no guarantee that I will achieve desired results and that multiple treatment courses may to be needed to achieve or maintain desired results. I understand that several appointments may be necessary to produce optimal results and I will be notified, in advance of each session of treatment, about the location where the next treatment session is going to take place and the identity of who is going to be involved in my care at each stage. RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS: As with any procedure there are potential risks and complications associated. HydrO2facial is a safe and low risk procedure, but you must be aware of the following possible risks before proceeding. You must fully discuss any questions with your practitioner. Common side effects of HydrO2facial include mild skin tenderness (like sunburn), swelling and redness after the treatment. These effects generally subside within a few hours and should be greatly improved by 48 hours. Occasionally minor bruising may also occur, any bruising should resolve within 1-2 weeks. Your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight afterwards and it is important to use regular SPF sunscreen for 3-4 weeks afterwards. Rare side effects include skin infection (cellulitis), reactivation of cold sores (Herpes simplex infection) or allergic reaction to any of the chemical products that may be used. HydrO2facial is minimally invasive and should not cause scarring or skin pigmentation changes although these could potentially occur as an unforeseen risk in rare circumstances. I have been advised of the relevant information associated with this treatment and I confirm that I fully understand this advice. This includes advice about: - the aims/motivations for having the procedure and the desired outcome - the risks inherent in the procedure - the risks inherent in refusing the procedure - the risks specific to me - the expected benefits of the treatment - the potential disadvantages of the treatment - alternative procedures and their pros and cons - including the option of no treatment at all - any uncertainties about and the likelihood of success of the procedure - any follow-up treatment that may be required CLINICAL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: I agree to and authorise the taking of clinical photographs and videos. I understand that these clinical photographs and videos will form part of and will be kept with my confidential medical records. I hereby indemnify the practitioner from any liability relating to the procedures that I am having. I also understand that any treatment performed is between me and the practitioner who is treating me and I will direct all post-operative questions or concerns to the practitioner. I have been asked what information I want and would need in order to make an informed decision. I have been given the opportunity to discuss my desired outcome fully in order for me to make an informed decision. ​ I certify that I have read the above consent and that I fully understand it. I have been given ample opportunity for discussion and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. No new information has become available that affects my decision to have the treatment or my decision to consent. I hereby consent to this procedure. This constitutes the full disclosure and supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures.
  • How long does it take for results to be visible?
    This can vary depending on your skin type and the type of treatment required. In all instances, the facial will leave your skin looking hydrated, smooth, and glowing.
  • How Many Treatments Are Recommended?
    A Course Of Treatment Is Typically 8-10 Individual 30 Minute Sessions.
  • What Areas Can Be Improved With 3D-Shockwave?
    3D-Shockwave Can Be Performed On Many Areas Of The Body Including The Outer And Inner Thighs, Knees, Arms, Hips, Buttocks And Stomach.
  • What Will I Experience During Treatment?
    The Treatment Itself Is Quite Noisy, Making A Loud Knocking Sound. 3D Shockwave Is A Comfortable Treatment And Feels Like A Tapotement Massage.
  • Are there any side effects?
    Common Side Effects With Fat Freezing Tend To Be Minimal, Certainly When Compared With Surgical Liposuction, And In Most Cases Of No Concern At All. Typical Side Effects: • Numbness Or Swelling Around The Treatment Area. • Redness, Sometimes With Bruising. This Varies From Person To Person, But Is Usually Minimal And Not Long-Lasting. • Tingling Or Pins And Needles – This Fades Usually Within 1 – 2 Hours. • Bloating. Less Common Side Effects: • Dizziness • Nausea • Abdominal Cramping • Serious Side Effects (None Reported At APTO Beauty & Aesthetics) Ice Burns / Frostbite. These Occur If The Antifreeze Pads Are Incorrectly Positioned, Not Used At All Or Of Poor Quality. Some Clinics May Reuse The Membranes And It Is Important You Go To A Good Clinic With Good Reviews And NOT Cheap Pricing. Should You Suffer From Ice Burns, You Should Seek Medical Advice And Contact The Clinic You Had The Treatment. If Treated Properly, They Will Heal Quickly. Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia – An Extremely Rare Side Effect Which Can Lead To An Increase In Fat In The Treated Area.
  • What is the dislcaimer for 3 in 1 Combination?
    ULTRASONIC CAVITATION DISCLAIMER PATIENT CONSENT: This is an informed consent form that has been prepared to help inform you of the potential benefits and risks of ultrasonic cavitation. It is important that you read this information carefully and discuss fully with your practitioner before proceeding with treatment. It is also important that you take as much time as you need to consider the treatment carefully, weighing up all your options before reaching an informed decision. It is essential that you are aware of your right to have a second opinion and you are encouraged to ask any questions that come to mind throughout the entirety of the process. Ultrasonic cavitation uses energy in the form of ultrasound to break down fat cells (lipolysis), the breakdown products of the fat cells are then naturally removed by the body’s lymphatic system. Ultrasonic cavitation is a form of body contouring, aiming to target small areas of stubborn fat deposits. It is not a weight loss solution and would also never substitute traditional lifestyle measures for weight loss such as healthy diet and regular exercise. Ultrasonic cavitation is however a safer and non-invasive alternative to surgical methods of fat removal such as liposuction. Common areas that can be treated include fat deposits around the abdomen, flanks, hips, face, neck, thighs and upper arms. Ultrasonic cavitation is painless however you will experience a warming sensation when the hand-held probe is applied to the skin. On average 1-3 treatment courses are likely to be needed to achieve results, with results visible by 12 weeks. I am aware that results vary between clients and results are dependent on many individual factors. I am aware that there is no guarantee that I will achieve desired results and that multiple treatment courses may to be needed to achieve desired results. The results of fat cavitation are permanent so long as you do not continue to gain increased body fat following the treatment. I understand that several appointments may be necessary to produce optimal results and I will be notified, in advance of each session of treatment, about the location where the next treatment session is going to take place and the identity of who is going to be involved in my care at each stage. I also understand that I will be kept informed of progress and that I can change my mind at any point. As with any procedure there are potential risks and complications associated. Ultrasonic cavitation is a safe and low risk procedure, but you must be aware of the following possible risks before proceeding. You must fully discuss any questions with your practitioner. Common side effects following treatment include pain, tenderness, redness and bruising in the treated area. You may also experience a slight headache afterwards. These effects are usually mild and will settle within a few days. You may also experience lumpiness and unevenness in the treated area following the procedure. This is due to uneven resorption of fat and will often resolve with follow up treatments. I have been advised of the relevant information associated with this treatment and I confirm that I fully understand this advice. This includes advice about: - the aims/motivations for having the procedure and the desired outcome - the risks inherent in the procedure - the risks inherent in refusing the procedure - the risks specific to me - the expected benefits of the treatment - the potential disadvantages of the treatment - alternative procedures and their pros and cons - including the option of no treatment at all - any uncertainties about and the likelihood of success of the procedure - any follow-up treatment that may be required RADIO FREQUENCY DISCLAIMER PATIENT CONSENT: This is an informed consent form that has been prepared to help inform you of the potential benefits and risks of Radio Frequency treatment. It is important that you read this information carefully and discuss fully with your practitioner before proceeding with treatment. It is also important that you take as much time as you need to consider the treatment carefully, weighing up all your options before reaching an informed decision. It is essential that you are aware of your right to have a second opinion and you are encouraged to ask any questions that come to mind throughout the entirety of the process. Radio Frequency treatment is a non-surgical facelifting and body contouring treatment which tightens, smooths and contours the skin. Radio Frequency treatment works by using radio frequencies which are transmitted by a handpiece into the dermis layer of the skin causing heat production. The process triggers new dermal collagen formation resulting in younger tighter and smoother looking skin. Radio Frequency treatment may also help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles and can be used to help reduce cellulite. Radio Frequency treatment can be used to treat loose skin on the neck, jawline, face, legs, abdomen and other body areas. You may experience a warming feeling during the treatment but the procedure is not painful. Other advantages of Radio Frequency treatment: non-invasive, no injections or anaesthetic needed and little to no downtime afterwards. Results are gradual and evolve over a 2-3 month period. Only one treatment is needed and the effects can be expected to last for 2-3 years. I am aware that results vary between clients and results are dependent on many individual factors. I am aware that there is no guarantee that I will achieve desired results. RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS: As with any procedure there are potential risks and complications associated. Radio Frequency treatment is a safe and low risk procedure, but you must be aware of the following possible risks before proceeding. You must fully discuss any questions with your practitioner. Common risks of Radio Frequency treatment include that it may not be effective with advanced and resilient skin problems. You may also have some mild swelling and redness in the treatment area for 2-3 days afterwards but occasionally can last longer. Uncommon risks include changes in skin pigmentation to lighter or darker, this usually resolves within 6 months but in rare cases could be permanent. Sometimes you may experience some temporary bumps or skin indentations, but these usually resolve naturally. Rare risks of Radio Frequency treatment include pain, tingling or burning sensation after treatment, bruising, blisters, skin burns, permanent scarring or skin indentations are extremely rare risks. In the event of any of these you should consult your practitioner and seek medical advice. I have been advised of the relevant information associated with this treatment and I confirm that I fully understand this advice. This includes advice about: - the aims/motivations for having the procedure and the desired outcome - the risks inherent in the procedure - the risks inherent in refusing the procedure - the risks specific to me - the expected benefits of the treatment - the potential disadvantages of the treatment - alternative procedures and their pros and cons - including the option of -no treatment at all - any uncertainties about and the likelihood of success of the procedure - any follow-up treatment that may be required. ​ SHOCKWAVE THERAPY DISCLAIMER PATIENT CONSENT: This is an informed consent form that has been prepared to help inform you of the potential benefits and risks of Shockwave therapy. It is important that you read this information carefully and discuss fully with your practitioner before proceeding with treatment. It is also important that you take as much time as you need to consider the treatment carefully, weighing up all your options before reaching an informed decision. It is essential that you are aware of your right to have a second opinion and you are encouraged to ask any questions that come to mind throughout the entirety of the process. Shockwave therapy uses energy in the form of sound waves to create vibrations in the soft tissues. Shockwave therapy is non-invasive and painless, medical uses include treatment of Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and removal of kidney stones. Cosmetic uses of Shockwave therapy include fat and cellulite reduction and to increase the production of collagen in the skin. In the case of reducing cellulite, the sound waves emitted during Shockwave therapy help to separate fatty acids and glycerol in fat cells. The liquid fat is then removed from the body via the lymphatic system, a process that Shockwave therapy can stimulate. Shockwave therapy also increases blood circulation, which can aid skin rejuvenation, tightening and reduce lines and wrinkles. Shockwave therapy can be used alone or in conjunction with other body contouring or fat reduction treatments. Note that for fat reduction shockwave therapy is not a substitute for healthy diet and regular physical exercise. I am aware that results vary between clients and results are dependent on many individual factors. I am aware that there is no guarantee that I will achieve desired results and that multiple treatment courses may to be needed to achieve or maintain desired results. Your practitioner will discuss how many treatments you will need and over what timeframe, depending on the aim of treatment. Results can be seen after 1 week, but maximal effects evolve over a period of 2-3 months following treatment. I understand that several appointments may be necessary to produce optimal results and I will be notified, in advance of each session of treatment, about the location where the next treatment session is going to take place and the identity of who is going to be involved in my care at each stage. I also understand that I will be kept informed of progress and that I can change my mind at any point. RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS: As with any procedure there are potential risks and complications associated. Shockwave therapy is a safe and low risk procedure, but you must be aware of the following possible risks before proceeding. You must fully discuss any questions with your practitioner. Most clients do not experience side effects however some common after effects include tissue swelling, reddening, soreness, tingling or numbness. These effects are usually mild and resolve naturally after 7 days, although they may last longer. Rare risks include haematoma (extensive bruising), petechiae (minor broken blood vessels) and damage to soft tissue e.g. tendon or ligament injury or rupture. I have been advised of the relevant information associated with this treatment and I confirm that I fully understand this advice. This includes advice about: - the aims/motivations for having the procedure and the desired outcome - the risks inherent in the procedure - the risks inherent in refusing the procedure - the risks specific to me - the expected benefits of the treatment - the potential disadvantages of the treatment - alternative procedures and their pros and cons - including the option of no treatment at all - any uncertainties about and the likelihood of success of the procedure - any follow-up treatment that may be required ​ CLINICAL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: I agree to and authorise the taking of clinical photographs and videos. I understand that these clinical photographs and videos will form part of and will be kept with my confidential medical records. I have been asked what information I want and would need in order to make an informed decision. I have been given the opportunity to discuss my desired outcome fully in order for me to make an informed decision. I certify that I have read the above consent and that I fully understand it. I have been given ample opportunity for discussion and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. No new information has become available that affects my decision to have the treatment or my decision to consent. I hereby consent to this procedure. This constitutes the full disclosure and supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures.
  • What Results Can I Expect From This Treatment?
    Results Are Seen As Quickly As 2 Weeks After Starting The Course. If You Exercise And Increase Your Water Intake You May See Ever Better Results. 90% Of Women Who Took Part In A Clinical Study Would Recommend This Treatment. Our Experienced Therapists Will Be Able To Tailor An Individual Shockwave Treatment Plan To Meet Your Desired Goal.
  • Can I Combine 3D-Shockwave With Other Treatments?
    Many People Who Undergo 3D-Shockwave Choose To Combine It With Other Procedures. We Would Advise That You Speak With One Of Our Therapists Prior To The Commencement Of 3D-Shockwave To Discuss Your Previous Treatments And Also Your Treatment Goals.
  • How long does the treatment take?
    Generally, the HIFU treatment takes 30 minutes.
  • Can HIFU damage skin?
    Because this treatment targets deeper layers of the skin, there is no damage to the upper (and more visible) layers of the skin.
  • Is HIFU Safe?
    Yes, 100%. HIFU is regarded as both a safe and highly effective skin tightening treatment.
  • Who is HIFU Treatment For?
    This skin tightening procedure is ideal for patients who have: ​ • Skin with soft tissue laxity, where the skin begins to feel and look less firm • A lowered brow line, sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles • Crepey and wrinkled skin throughout the face and inner arm, décolleté, abdomen, inner thighs and knees, etc.
  • When is HiFu not suitable?
    For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding • Open wounds or lesions on the treatment area • Severe or cystic acne on the treatment area • Metal stents/electrical implants in the treatment area • Bio-absorbable mechanical implants • Skin infections of any type • Hemorrhagic disorders or dysfunctions If you have any of the following conditions, HIFU is not currently a suitable skin tightening treatment for you. However, we have a range of other non-surgical facelift options that may be more suited to you and your situation. If you have any questions, please do contact our team, we’re more than happy to help. Please also tell us if you have any of the following so we can assess your suitability for the procedure: • Anticoagulant therapy • Skin conditions caused by autoimmune diseases, skin cancer, and Herpes Simplex • Diabetes or epilepsy • Severe skin diseases • Decortication or heart disease • Hypersensitiveness or hypertrophic scars • Hemostatic dysfunctions
  • Is HIFU suitable for pregnant women?
    No, we wouldn’t advise pregnant women to undergo this procedure.
  • What does HIFU feel like?
    Whilst the treatment doesn’t hurt, you may experience slight discomfort during the procedure, much like a light prickly sensation.
  • What is the disclaimer for HiFu?
    PATIENT CONSENT: This is an informed consent form that has been prepared to help inform you of the potential benefits and risks of facial HIFU. It is important that you read this information carefully and discuss fully with your practitioner before proceeding with treatment. It is also important that you take as much time as you need to consider the treatment carefully, weighing up all your options before reaching an informed decision. It is essential that you are aware of your right to have a second opinion and you are encouraged to ask any questions that come to mind throughout the entirety of the process. HIFU stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, it works by using multiple beams of ultrasound to create thermal energy in the deeper skin layers and beneath the skin. Heating the tissue causes it to tighten as well as stimulating the production of new collagen fibers therefore improving the appearance of loose or ageing skin. It has been explained to me that the results vary from patient to patient. I understand that results will unfold over the course of 3 to 6 months. I am also aware that I may require more than one treatment session to achieve optimal results. I also understand that a non-invasive HIFU treatment is not intended to produce the same results as an invasive surgical procedure such as a face lift. Before each treatment, I will inform the practitioner of any changes to my medical details or details of any new medications that have been prescribed by my doctor. I also agree to comply with the recommended aftercare instructions. I hereby release the practitioner, clinic and the staff from liability associated with the procedure. My questions regarding the procedure have been answered satisfactorily. I understand that several appointments may be necessary to produce optimal results and I will be notified, in advance of each session of treatment, about the location where the next treatment session is going to take place and the identity of who is going to be involved in my care at each stage. I also understand that I will be kept informed of progress and that I can change my mind at any point. RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS: As with any medical procedure there are possible risks associated. HIFU is a safe and low risk procedure but some unwanted effects may be experienced. Common side effects you may experience from HIFU include mild discomfort or tenderness during and following the treatment. Immediately following treatment, the skin may appear red for a few hours. It is not uncommon to also experience slight swelling for a few days following the procedure or tingling/tenderness to touch for days to weeks following the procedure, but these are mild and temporary in nature. Uncommon temporary effects may include bruising or welts (raised bumps on the skin), which resolve in hours to days. Rare risks of HIFU include skin burns and nerve inflammation. A burn to the skin may or may not lead to scarring. This should respond to simple medical care but there is an extremely small risk of permanent scaring if a skin burn is sustained. Temporary nerve inflammation is another rare risk of HIFU. This results in numbness or tingling in a select area of skin if a sensory nerve has been affected. This should normally resolve naturally in days to weeks. Extremely rarely temporary local muscle weakness may result after treatment due to inflammation of a motor nerve. I have been advised of the relevant information associated with this treatment and I confirm that I fully understand this advice. This includes advice about: - the aims/motivations for having the procedure and the desired outcome - the risks inherent in the procedure - the risks inherent in refusing the procedure - the risks specific to me - the expected benefits of the treatment - the potential disadvantages of the treatment - alternative procedures and their pros and cons - including the option of no treatment at all - any uncertainties about and the likelihood of success of the procedure - any follow-up treatment that may be required CLINICAL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: I agree to and authorise the taking of clinical photographs and videos. I understand that these clinical photographs and videos will form part of and will be kept with my confidential medical records. I have been asked what information I want and would need in order to make an informed decision. I have been given the opportunity to discuss my desired outcome fully in order for me to make an informed decision. I certify that I have read the above consent and that I fully understand it. I have been given ample opportunity for discussion and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. No new information has become available that affects my decision to have the treatment or my decision to consent. I hereby consent to this procedure. This constitutes the full disclosure and supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures.
  • Can the HIFU treatment replace a facelift
    The HIFU treatment is ideal for those people who want to uplift their face, tighten the skin and overall combat signs of ageing. However, it is not a replacement for a surgical facelift. You can find more information on this above.
  • Is Laser Hair Removal safe?
    Absolutely, laser hair removal is safe. The laser targets only the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. You may experience some redness, but this should subside within 24 hours.
  • What is the disclaimer for Laser Hair Removal?
    PATIENT CONSENT: This is an informed consent form that has been prepared to help inform you of the potential benefits and risks of laser hair removal. It is important that you read this information carefully and discuss fully with your practitioner before proceeding with treatment. It is also important that you take as much time as you need to consider the treatment carefully, weighing up all your options before reaching an informed decision. It is essential that you are aware of your right to have a second opinion and you are encouraged to ask any questions that come to mind throughout the entirety of the process. Laser hair removal is a cosmetic hair removal procedure that uses laser energy to heat and destroy unwanted hair follicles. You will need regular sessions to prevent hair from regrowing as results are not permanent. On average a session to remove facial hair is usually done every 4 weeks whereas body hair every 6-8 weeks. Treatment courses are usually required to achieve desired results. I am aware that results vary between clients and results are dependent on many individual factors. I am aware that there is no guarantee that I will achieve my desired results and that multiple treatment courses are needed to maintain results. It is also important to note that laser hair removal works better on clients with fair skin and darker hair. I understand that for my own benefit I must follow the aftercare instructions given to me by my practitioner. On the day you will be offered eye protection and possibly a cooling spray may be applied to the skin before treatment. I understand that several appointments may be necessary to produce optimal results and I will be notified, in advance of each session of treatment, about the location where the next treatment session is going to take place and the identity of who is going to be involved in my care at each stage. I also understand that I will be kept informed of progress and that I can change my mind at any point. RISKS AND SIDE EFFECTS: As with any procedure there are potential risks and complications associated. Laser hair removal is a safe and low risk procedure, but you must be aware of the following possible risks before proceeding. You must fully discuss any questions with your practitioner. Common side effects include pain and discomfort during the procedure, laser is often described as feeling like an elastic band snapping against the skin. Following the treatment your skin may be red, swollen and tender this should resolve within 48 hours but may last longer. Your skin will be more sensitive to sunlight after treatment and you will need to use regular SPF sunscreen for 4 weeks afterwards. Uncommon complications include skin infection (cellulitis) and changes in skin pigmentation to lighter or darker. Pigmentation changes should resolve within 6 months but can persist or become permanent in occasional cases. In some occasional cases clients may develop bruising, swelling blistering or crusting of the skin. If you experience any of these skin changes you should contact your practitioner as soon as possible. Rare complications include skin scarring which may be permanent in some cases despite treatment. Skin burns from the laser heat can rarely occur which can lead to permanent scarring. There is no evidence that laser hair removal can cause skin cancer. I have been advised of the relevant information associated with this treatment and I confirm that I fully understand this advice. This includes advice about: - the aims/motivations for having the procedure and the desired outcome - the risks inherent in the procedure - the risks inherent in refusing the procedure - the risks specific to me - the expected benefits of the treatment - the potential disadvantages of the treatment - alternative procedures and their pros and cons - including the option of no treatment at all - any uncertainties about and the likelihood of success of the procedure - any follow-up treatment that may be required ​ CLINICAL PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: I agree to and authorise the taking of clinical photographs and videos. I understand that these clinical photographs and videos will form part of and will be kept with my confidential medical records. I have been asked what information I want and would need in order to make an informed decision. I have been given the opportunity to discuss my desired outcome fully in order for me to make an informed decision. ​ I certify that I have read the above consent and that I fully understand it. I have been given ample opportunity for discussion and all my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. No new information has become available that affects my decision to have the treatment or my decision to consent. I hereby consent to this procedure. This constitutes the full disclosure and supersedes any previous verbal or written disclosures.
  • Does Laser Hair Removal help with ingrown hairs?
    Laser hair removal is definitely the best solution to this problem, especially if you have coarse or curly hair and you find you have recurring ingrown hairs. Because the laser is destroying hair follicles at the source the hair itself doesn’t get a chance to become ingrown.
  • When I can see results?
    Results can be seen from first session and improve throughout the course of treatment, best results around your third treatment.
  • How long does treatment take?
    The time varies depending on the area being treated but typically range from 15 minutes up to 60 minutes per application.
  • Who is good candidate for Laser Hair Removal?
    The treatment is suitable for anyone who has unwanted hair in various areas of the face and body. The technology can treat hair colour from golden blonde through to black hair. Your therapist will advise further during a consultation to determine your suitability for treatment.
  • What areas can be treated?
    3D-Trilogyice can practically be used anywhere there is hair, including: underarms, legs, arms, face, pubic area, chest, back and buttocks.
  • What will I experience during treatment?
    During treatment, the hand piece will be used in a gliding forwards and backwards motion over the skin. The laser light safely and gently passes through the dermis allowing the laser light to be absorbed into the hair root destroying the cells so they can no longer produce hair. You may experience a warming sensation in addition to a slight pinkness to the skin. The treatment itself is virtually painless.
  • How do I prepare for treatment?
    The area of treatment should be shaved at least 12 hours prior to treatment. Wear loose-fitting clothes on the day. Drink plenty of water – this helps your body to regulate its temperature. Do not exercise before the treatment. Bleach or depilatory creams should not be used for 2 weeks before treatment Do not use products containing retinol, steroid creams or strong AHA fruit acids prior to treatment. Tell us about any prescribed or non-prescribed medication you are taking. Body or facial scrubs are recommended 1 week before and after treatment Do not expose the skin to UV light (sunlight or sunbeds) or apply any self-tanning products for 4 weeks prior to treatment, your skin must be its natural colour. We will discuss how to prepare for the procedure during your initial consultation, when we will also ask you about any medication you are taking.
  • What do I need to do after treatment?
    Avoid exposing skin to UV light (sunlight or sunbeds) or self-tan for at least 2 weeks after treatment. This is to minimize darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation). Avoid heat treatments such as steam rooms, saunas, swimming pools and Jacuzzis for 4-5 days. Avoid excessive scrubbing or applying pressure to the skin for 4-5 days. This is to allow the treated skin to recover and to prevent any infection. Avoid shaving the treated area for 72 hours after treatment. Avoid exercising for at least 7 days. Avoid hot baths and hot showers for 48 hours (tepid only). Avoid make-up on the treated area for at least 48 hours. Avoid the application of perfumed products or bleaching creams for 48 hours. Avoid scratching the treatment area if blistering or crusting occurs, as this can cause scarring. Avoid steam ironing or cooking over boiling saucepan’s. Avoid waxing, tweezing and threading for the complete duration of the treatment course Do use minimum SPF 30 sunscreen during the course al the time.
  • How it Works?
    3D-Trilogyice in motion protocol ensures safe, comfortable and effective hair removal, rather than exposing hair follicles the single high energy pulses the 3D-Trilogy in motion protocol works by gradually heating the dermis and permanently damaging hair follicles whilst avoiding injury to the surrounding tissue. The 3D-Trilogy in motion protocol of moving the applicator over the treatment area quickly enables full coverage whilst the contact cooling system ensures virtually pain free and effective hair removal.
  • What colour hair can be treated?
    Other than white and grey hair, all hair colours can be permanently reduced through treatments. Dark hairs are most easily treated due to the high concentration of melanin that gives maximum absorption.
  • How many treatments are required?
    This varies for each client and a treatment program will be devised on consultation. A course of 6-8 treatments is typically recommended.
  • Is there any downtime?
    There is no downtime following the treatment, and you can return to your daily activities straight away. Some people may experience a slight warmth or redness in the treated areas, but this is unusual and should disappear within a few hours.
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